Research Development – Proposal Support
Personalized helpwith planning, information, boilerplates, templates, samples, coordination, data management, and documents. Contact: EARLIER - Enhanced longer-term support for complex, interdisciplinary proposals. Proposal Review – Peer (internal/external), nontechnical, and 'reboot' available. NIH R15 AREA (required eligibility letter) - RD runs the official process in securing the required eligibility letter. Program not eligible for PIs from COM/CON/CHPS. All other areas at UCF eligible. See FAQs about collaborations across colleges. Contact for next steps information. |
Workshops - Special topics offered throughout the year. Past workshops materials & resources are available on UCF Webcourses. Click here to enroll. Pitch Program - Feedback sessions to refine research ideas for new proposal submissions, resubmissions, and for preparation to meet a sponsor agency's program manager. Mentoring Programs - One-on-one guidance for external submissions ( CAREER,OOR Mentoring.) Office of Research's Grant Writing Academy - The Academy's intent is to help UCF faculty develop compelling research ideas and project narratives that are likely to win research funding. This semester-long, hands-on interactive program will commence at the start of the Fall semester. Faculty were nominated by their College Associate Deans of Research for the Academy and selected by the Office of Research to participate. The Academy is not accepting any more nominations. Grant Seeking and Preparation Fundamentals - A self-guided webcourse for faculty researchers preparing their first grant proposal. Funder Tool Kits - Guides based on specific funders and special topics are available to support your proposal preparation. UCF Information and Boilerplates to help with proposal planning and preparation. UCF Research Cyberinfrastructure – A variety of software available to UCF researchers. Teaming and Networking - Events and Information to foster collaboration.
PI Handbook for Proposals and Awards – This guide for UCF researchers is intended as a helpful reference guide to available services, resources, and support teams at UCF, and covers proposal planning through post-project activities.