UCF Institutional Information

Institution Legal Name The University of Central Florida Board of Trustees
Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) 9H673
Congressional District UCF Main Campus – 10; FSEC Campus – 08; Lake Nona Campus – 09
Contractor Identification Number (DUNS No.) 150805653
County Orange (Main Campus)
DHHS Animal Welfare Assurance Number A4135-01
DHHS Federal-Wide Assurance Number for Human Subjects Federalwide Assurance - FWA00000351
Expiration Date - 08/27/2024
IRB#1  IRB00001138, IRB#2  IRB00012110
Employee Federal Identification Number (TIN) 59-292-4021
Entity Identification Number (EIN) 59-292-4021
Federal Interagency Committee on Education Number (FICE) 3954
Federal Supply Classification 99
IPEDS ID/ National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, US Dept of Ed) Number 132903
National Science Foundation Awardee Organization Code 39545000
SAMAS 49-20-2-655005-48900700-40-00190300
Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) 8221
NAICS 611310
U.S. Department of Education OPE Code: 00395400
Unique Entity Identifier Number (UEI) RD7MXJV7DKT9
University of Central Florida address 4000 Central Florida Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32816
*Departments are 32816+4
Office of Research

  • Phone: 407-823-3778
  • Fax: 407-823-3299
12201 Research Parkway, Suite 501
Orlando, FL 32826-3246
P.O. Box 160150
Orlando, FL 32816-0150
Invoice and Payment

  • Phone: 407-882-1000
  • Fax: 407-882-1102
University of Central Florida
Contracts & Grants
PO Box 160118
Orlando, FL 32816-0118
Remittance Address for Subcontractor Invoices:

Attn: Subcontractor Invoices
University of Central Florida
Finance and Accounting
12424 Research Parkway, Suite 300
Orlando,  FL  32826-3240
Federal Cognizant/Audit Agency

  • Phone: 301-492-4855

US Department of Health & Human Services
Office of the Inspector General
Audit Services
61 Forsyth Street, SW
Suite 3T41
Atlanta, GA 30303
Defense Contract Audit Agency

  • Phone: 407-515-3333
  • Fax: 407-515-3331

Orlando Branch Office
11883 High Tech Avenue
Orlando, FL 32817-1490
Gregory A. Levan, Acting Branch Manager
Email: DCAA-FAO1251@dcaa.mil
Administrative Contracting Office For Property and Closeout

  • Phone: 404-562-1600
  • Fax: 404-562-1610

Office of Naval Research
100 Alabama Street, SW
Suite 4R15
Atlanta, GA 30303-3104

Escalation Rates:

(Effective August of each year)
Salary each subsequent year (If Human Resources has published the exact salary increase before effective date, you may use this percentage. For all subsequent years, use 3%).
Tuition - 5%
Travel - 10% (optional)

F&A Rates:

UCF F&A Rate Agreement (Effective June 20, 2023)

UCF F&A Rate Agreement with NEW Composite Fringe Benefit Rates (Effective July 1, 2021)

UCF F&A Rate Agreement (Effective Sept. 1, 2020)

UCF F&A Rate Agreement (Effective April 21, 2020)

Indirect Cost Rate Reduction Request - NEW

Fringe Benefits:

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – Effective June 27, 2024

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – Memo-Signed-6.27.2023

PSC Fringe Rate Agreement ‐ Signed-7.10.2023

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – NEW - Effective July 1, 2022

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – Effective July 1, 2021

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – Effective July 1, 2020

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate – Effective July 1, 2019

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate _ Effective July 1, 2018

For additional information related to Composite Fringe Benefit Rates


Current travel manual. A Quick Summary for Travelers Related Information.
Domestic Subsistence - $36 per day
Maximum Rental Vehicle - $37 per day (in-state); $58 per day (out-of-state)
Mileage Reimbursement - $0.445 per mile
Foreign Travel per diem

Day Travel: When a day trip is planned, a day trip is defined as a trip that is completed in one day similar to a workday; no meals will be reimbursed.


The current undergraduate student rates and graduate student rates are available. here

Pay Periods:

26.1pay periods/year
52.2 weeks/year
2088 hours/year

Student Salaries:

Full Time: 1040 hours/year
20 hours/week
Part Time: 520 hours/year
10 hours/week

Serving Faculty

The Office of Research serves UCF scholars as the official liaison between UCF and funding sources and by helping faculty work through the proposal and contract management process.

This site includes information to assist university scholars through the announcement, application and post-award stages and to familiarize prospective partners with the breadth of funded research conducted at the university.

UCF is committed to the pursuit of excellence and intellectual growth and seeks to excel at moving ideas to innovation and realization. The Carnegie Foundation rates UCF as a "very high research activity" university. We�ve been on an upward trajectory for years and in 2021 UCF surpassed the $212.9 million dollar mark in external funding. UCF's pioneering efforts to commercialize technology continue to stimulate local economies throughout the state. The number of patents at UCF also continue to climb with 64 U.S. issued patents produced in 2021.

Budget Templates

Below you will find NIH and NSF budget templates. Although they are tailored for NIH or NSF, they can be used for developing your budget for any funding source.