Press Releases



UCF is Developing Materials to Stop Hydrogen Leaks Like Ones Delaying Artemis Launch

University of Central Florida researchers are developing materials for stopping hydrogen leaks, like the ones that have halted the launch of Artemis 1.

October 6, 2022





AI-based Screening Method Could Boost Speed of New Drug Discovery

Developing life-saving medicines can take billions of dollars and decades of time, but University of Central Florida researchers are aiming to speed up this process with a new artificial intelligence-based drug screening process they�ve developed.

September 22, 2022





Empowering Donors with Status Symbols Could Benefit Charities, New Study Finds

Conspicuous consumption of pricey status symbols, like designer clothes and accessories, may be viewed as self-centered, but new research shows that it may be a behavior that charities could use to their advantage.

September 14, 2022